Friday Wrap: Turning the corner.


This week feels like I’m turning the corner with earnings take a slight tick up on my websites, one of the sites hit hard in October has got some legs again. After reading something over on the warrior forums the other day I decide to make a pretty major change, and switch domains based on what I read. The site in question has always sat on the hyphenated domain and the non-hyphenated version had a 301 redirect. Yea I know that’s backwards by today’s standards, there was a short time when hyphens were the rage. Earnings from the site had sunk so low that even if I was wrong and earning went to zero it wouldn’t be much different. I made the switch, putting the site on the non-hyphenated and redirecting the hyphenated, then went and did the switch in googles Webmaster tools, and 4 days later google acknowledged the change, and traffic and rankings returned to Pre October levels. Only time will tell if it sticks, the site is on the list for an overhaul next month, which should secure the rankings.

Over the last few months I have been running quite a few tests, most are not returning anything which indicates [do this] = [defiantly more income] they do however, add to the list of things that will not drastically increase income so it’s good data of a kind. A few things are returning extremely positive results they just cannot be measured individually at a financial level; they do appear to adding to the total though.

The living in Thailand site is entering it’s last few days of daily entries to complete a detailed account of what living in Chiang Rai is like with just $400 a month. On a personal level it’s been quite an eye opener trying to live with just $400 I consider $600 to be very easy, and is the number I normally fall around. $400 is not easy and the site will show me failing and ending up around $440. After 15 days or so google started sending a little traffic and that number is climbing nicely. I should end up with a half decent site after the 31 days and one that I can easily develop further into something quite large.

Neale with a monkey on his back
Monkey farm in Surat Thani

I was hoping to get to eBay this week that just did not happen; I did see results on another front that will bring me back into the black. More on that next week with the monthly earnings.

About the author

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4 thoughts on “Friday Wrap: Turning the corner.”

  1. I just discovered your site and read each step of your amazing month. Well done, even though you went a bit over the (very tight) budget. You were still well below $500, which is amazing!

      • I look forward to reading that.

        I noticed on Day 25 a missing link to Day 26. I still found it through the sidebar, but had to look for it a bit…


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