As mentioned in last Fridays Post this week I want to share a small thing I stumbled across by accident the other day. Back in April I added a post containing March’s Earnings and within this I talked about a few eBay listings I had launched and added a couple of links to them, last week whilst updating the blog I caught those links out of the corner of my eye and the next thought was “I wonder if those listings rank in google for the anchor text?”

Particularly as the terms were “simple SEO evaluation” and “featured link” both of which are quite nice terms to be ranking for..
First up “simple SEO evaluation” not in the first 300
Second up “featured link” not in the first 300
So you might ask whats the big deal? Not giving up I hopped on over to the listings and looked at the titles.
- Website not ranking in Google? Initial Consultation $99
- Buy 1 Featured Link get 2 Free Links 5yrs old PR 2 Site
Looking at the first I saw a phrase within that first title I would love to rank for
Website not ranking in Google?
A quick in check in google and I see I’m #32 for the term, ok it’s not first page number 32 is a good starting point though.. Next off to google’s keyword tool and lets see how many people are searching for this term “Using exact & all Languages and Countries” my default the result was Zero back to the drawing board…
Within the phrase “Website not ranking in Google?” one single term is of value “ranking in google” 90,000 broad match at $2 a click and 300 exact at $1.5 a click next I checked to see if by some phenomena either the listing or this site ranked for that term, sure enough neither do…
So you have to asking where are we going with this? I’m going to see if we can rank the listing for the more favorable term ranking in google
The simple fact that eBay listings do get indexed and rank for terms, is in my opinion interesting and worth taking a deeper look at, imagine a listing about webdesign in Miami wouldn’t it be cool to have that taking up a place on the 1st page of google, add plumber, painter, you name it.